Chef Wear

Make sure your kitchen staff's clothing is saying the right thing about your hotel kitchen or hospitality establishment. As well as looking the part, wearing the appropriate uniform is just one positive step you can take towards ensuring food safety.


The traditional professional chef’s uniform. Steeped in history. Chefs who choose to wear it not only do so as a nod to these traditions, but as a mark of the esteem and respect they hold for their profession.

Professional appearance is a big part of the impression remembered by your restaurant customers and it represents a commitment to quality and detail. Garments are only as good as the cloth they’re made of, which is why we feature the highest-quality fabrics available.

Uniform hire items:

  • Hat
  • Jackets (White / Black)
  • Trousers (Black)
  • Aprons (Blue / White)
  • Waiters Half Apron


Tea towels and glass cloths are essential items in any kitchen or food preparation environment. The fast pace of service combined with wet hands is never a safe combination, which is why these items should always be well stocked.

We hire:

  • Oven Cloths
  • Glass Cloths
  • Tea Towels
  • Kitchen Cloth

Mops & Mats

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